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Witte kool Filderkraut

White Cabbage 'Filderkraut'

Brassica oleracea


Filderkraut' is a very mild, slightly sweeter white cabbage. It is a delicious, easy to grow variety that is far less demanding than other varieties of white cabbage.

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White cabbage Filderkraut is the tastiest one of the white cabbages. This variety has a smooth and somewhat sweeter taste in comparison to other varieties and it can be used for sauerkraut as well. The somewhat pointed cabbage is formed slightly later and can become a very big crop. Filderkraut is a trustworthy variety and is easy to grow. It should be grown on a nutritious and moist soil, although it demands less from the soil than other head cabbages. When winter comes, you should store it at a frost-free cold spot, with the roots intact in a container filled with sand. Another option is to hang them in your basement. Under (flat) glass is possible as well, although you have to ventilate it sufficiently and cover it during frost. If needed, you could peal off the bad leaves.

Quick facts
Position    :   Sun
Seed type    :   Open pollinated variety
Seed weight    :   300 seeds per gram
Plant spacing    :   70x60 cm
Plant height    :   30-50 cm
EAN code    :   8717202600571
Packet size    :   75x123 mm
Content 1 packet (Dutch)    :   1 gram (for 40 m2)