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Annual flowers

De Bolster offers a very extensive range when it comes to organic annual flowers. With this wide selection you will definitely find those flowers that will make your garden even more beautiful. On this page you can read more about sowing and growing these flowers, or simply scroll down and place your order immediately.

Bolderik – Agrostemma githago
Corncockle Agrostemma githago 5030
"Corncockle is a tall, slender plant bearing large red-violet flowers with a white centre and tapered sepals. It used to be commonly found in cornfields. Its seeds are poisonous. "
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Amarant – Amaranthus hypochondriacus x powelli
Prince's Feather Amaranthus hypochondriacus x powelli 5040
Prince's Feather is a sturdy plant with reddish stems and deep red panicles. Its seeds are edible. Suitable for use as both cut and dried flowers.
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Leeuwenbek – Antirrhinum majus
Snapdragon Antirrhinum majus 5070
"Snapdragon is a familiar, slightly scented garden plant with flowers in a wide range of colours. Suitable for use as cut flowers. "
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Stekelpapaver – Argemone polyanthemos
Crested Prickly Poppy Argemone polyanthemos 5090
"Crested Prickly Poppy may be an unfamiliar plant, but its blue-green prickly leaves and large white poppy-like flowers make it a very attractive one. It is very attractive to bees and butterflies. "
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Goudsbloem – Calendula officinalis
Pot Marigold Calendula officinalis 5130
Marigold has singular, orange flowers with a dark heart. These flowers are easy to cultivate and serve as an ornamental plant. It is used for medicinal, cosmetic and culinary purposes. Marigold flowers can serve as ornament in dishes and it can be used for seasoning in stews; the leaves are suitable for tea.
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Zomeraster Matsumoto Mix – Callistephus chinensis
China Aster 'Matsumoto Mix' Callistephus chinensis 5160
China Aster 'Matsumoto Mix' is a sturdy, semi-double china aster. Its flowers have a yellow centre surrounded by petals in a range of colours: either shades of white, yellow, red or blue. A good cut flower.
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Zomeraster, dubbelbloemig – Callistephus chinensis
China Aster, double-flowered Callistephus chinensis 5150
China Aster (double-petaled) produces stunning flowers in various shades of pink and blue which are borne on tall stems A good cut flower.
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Zomeraster, enkelbloemig – Callistephus chinensis
China Aster, single-flowered Callistephus chinensis 5140
China Aster (single-petaled) produces stunning flowers in various shades of pink and blue which are borne on tall stems. A good cut flower.
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Saffloer – Carthamus tinctorius
Safflower Carthamus tinctorius 5170
Safflower is a thistle-like plant with somewhat prickly leaves and flowers that turn from yellow to red. Suitable for use as both cut and dried flowers.
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Korenbloem – Centaurea cyanus
Cornflower Centaurea cyanus 5180
Cornflower blue is an old-field herb with blue flowers and is, unfortunately, not so common in wheatfields anymore. The cornflower is suited as cut flower and for drying. The plant is not suitable to replant. Cornflowers need support. Furthermore, the cornflower is an excellent flower for bees and butterflies.
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Tuinridderspoor – Consolida ajacis
Doubtful Knight's Spur is a widely-branched plant with blue spurred flowers. Suitable for use as both cut and dried flowers.
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Cosmea, gemengd – Cosmos bipinnatus
Garden Cosmos Cosmos bipinnatus 5290
Mixed Cosmos is a firm plant with fine, pinnate leaves and beautiful big flowers, varying in colour from white to dark pink. The flowers are suited as cut flower. Cosmos keeps blossoming when you pick regularly. The flowers are annual and not frost-proof
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